Sunday, April 3, 2011

255 - one of the most important numbers in computing technology

Apart from 1 and 0, 255 is probably one of the most important numbers in computing technology. Here are some trivia about the decimal number 255.

1) It is 8-bits in binary notation - 11111111
2) It is FF in hexadecimal.
3) It is also called an octet.
4) It is the maximum number of IP per block in IPV4
5) It is often referred to nowadays as a byte. But byte is ambiguous which means a single character in computing but can have different number of bits (i.e 4-bit, 7-bit) depending on the systems used.
6) It is the maximum number of filename characters in many operating systems.
7) It is the maximum number of characters on a varchar data-type in MySQL.
8) It usually represents 1 character.

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