What's the problem?
Well, it's actually trivial if you know what you are looking for. It's just that the mongo server is complaining to have received a wrong parameter for $in which requires an ARRAY data type. The error message is vague I know and can easily put you in circles. Hopefully, a better verbiage is placed if my request is granted. My mongodb version is 1.8.3.
[errmsg] => exception: invalid query
[code] => 12580
[ok] => 0
It should be {"username":{"$in":['user1','user2']}}.
The prevention/fix; much like how you do it when querying a resource, database, api or another application, sanitize your query first by checking if you are passing a valid value, in this case an array by using something like:
An IF condition:
if (!empty($value) && is_array($value)) {
//its safe to query now
$mongo->query(array('value' => array('$in' => $value)));
Or a ternary operator:
$value = !empty($value) && is_array($value) ? $value : array();
$mongo->query(array('value' => array('$in' => $value)));
Hope this helps.
Thanks this solved my issue.
Thanks this solved my issue. One of the arguments I passed to $in was incorrect.
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