Okay, so before we discuss how it's done, let's add the details to your yum configuration first. If you're using RHEL / CentOS, the repo configurations are usually located at /etc/yum.repos.d.
Note: The information below is no longer up-to-date but still supports up to Mongo 1.6.5. Refer to the new MongoDb Yum Repo for versions after February 2011.
To add the configuration,
# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/10gen.repo , then paste the following information (use only one appropriate for your server) For CentOS 5.4 on x86_64: #------ copy after this line --------- [10gen] name=10gen Repository baseurl=http://downloads.mongodb.org/distros/centos/5.4/os/x86_64/ gpgcheck=0 #------ end copy --------- For CentOS 5.4 on x86 #------ copy after this line --------- [10gen] name=10gen Repository baseurl=http://downloads.mongodb.org/distros/centos/5.4/os/i386/ gpgcheck=0 #------ end copy --------- For Fedora 12: #------ copy after this line --------- [10gen] name=10gen Repository baseurl=http://downloads.mongodb.org/distros/fedora/12/os/x86_64/ gpgcheck=0 #------ end copy --------- For Fedora 11: #------ copy after this line --------- [10gen] name=10gen Repository baseurl=http://downloads.mongodb.org/distros/fedora/11/os/x86_64/ gpgcheck=0 #------ end copy ---------
After adding the configuration settings, let's install mongodb client and server to your server. You can also optionally install headers and debugging information.
# yum install mongo-stable mongo-stable-server mongo-stable-devel mongo-stable-debuginfo
That should get you the most recent stable RPM package from the MongoDb makers themselves.
What is it? You don't know what Mongodb is? Unfortunately, I haven't written anything about it. To describe it briefly, it's a document-oriented, key-value-pair like, non-relational, schema less, super fast, high performance database with native functionalities for distributed computing, sharding, replication, map-reduce and REST api with a fast growing usage for web applications and CMS in terms of popularity and usability. Interested? Get it here. I will also try to write some articles about it in the future.
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